Ship Ahoy! - nov, 22 2005 Ever wanted to meet the TCS Devereux from the WCP intro in flight? I've just uploaded the "Nautilus" (that is, Copernicus-class - Nautilus must've been an earlier name) capship that had been hidden inside WCP. The ship's mesh is a little buggy, but it's fine as long as you don't get too close. Note also the absence of turrets - that's not an error. It is a reasearch vessel, after all ;).
Model Conversion Tutorial Update - sept, 01 2002 Updated the model conversion tutorial a bit to easier understanding. There still was some references to step X or Y, that where from an old version of the tutorial (its fixed now). Also added a important note from Mario 'HCl' about the BSP tree.
WCP Pascal Tutorial - aug, 24 2002 Added a link to Pedro's wcp pascal mission tutorials.
Tutorial update - aug, 16 2002 Rooms tutorial updated.
Jump update - jul, 22 2002 Updated the jumpgate zip to fix a small graphical problem.
Jump - jul, 20 2002 For those who miss the blue jumpgate effect, try using the one at the files section ;).
Tutorial VII - jul, 19 2002 Added a room tutorial from Quarto. All you need to know to create a room file for WCP/SO, but was afraid to ask :p.
Tutorial VI - jun, 08 2002 Added a capship conversion tutorial.
Tutorial update - may, 29 2002 Attached a SO series sample to the series tutorial.
Tutorial V - may, 24 2002 Added a series tutorial from Quarto.
Kilrathi addition - may, 19 2002 New ships added: Goran, kilrathi shuttle and destroyer.
Its a orbital museum now! - apr, 15 2002 Now on the ships section, the TCS Victory is complete in capship format: destroyable components, fly trough hangar, turrets and VDU display thanks to Quarto. Model from Wildcat.
Tutorial Update II - mar, 29 2002 Comms Tutorial and Cockpit Tutorial updated, also added a brief EXE editing guide. Again courtesy of Quarto.
Tutorial Update - mar, 28 2002 Comms Tutorial updated, courtesy of Quarto.
Tutorial IV (or Sample I) - mar, 16 2002 Added a wcppas sample mission code.
Tutorial III - mar, 07 2002 A new tutorial added: Comms editing.
Tutorial II - feb, 05 2002 Two new tutorials added: Cockpit editing and Guns editing.
Tutorial - nov, 19 2001 Since the unfortunate closure of the wcdc, i have decided to get the ship conversion tutorial back online. ;)
New Home (Again)- nov, 05 2001 After a stop at wcrevival, now on I've added a couple of new ships: the gladius and wca banshee, plus the Nephele, Tyr VII and Pasqual X sectors are now available on the files section.
New Home - aug, 08 2001 This page is now hosted on the WCDC, and will be mainly devoted to the Wing Commander Universe. It will contain modifications i made to Wing Commander. The old B5 ships will be moved to 'other projects' section, like wathever i do thats not related to the WCU. The Babylon 5 TC, now named Babylon 5 Commander, has moved to A Kilrah sector file is uploaded in the files section.